女戦闘員モノ詰め合わせ! skebで描かせていただいた女戦闘員モノ漫画を加筆修正した3本セットです。 リョナ2本とエロ1本の構成で、すでにweb上で公開された作品も含まれています。 日本語版と英語版とございますが、内容はほぼ同じです。 ※レイアウトの都合上、若干の違いがあります。 本文:26ページ This is a set of three revised and edited female fighter manga that I was allowed to draw on skeb. The set consists of two lyona manga and one erotic manga, and includes a …
【試し読み】Dungeon Works Vol.1

This is a set of three revised and edited female fighter manga that I was allowed to draw on skeb.
The set consists of two lyona manga and one erotic manga, and includes a work that has already been published on the web.
The Japanese and English versions are available, but the content is almost the same.
※There are slight differences due to layout reasons.
Main pages: 26 pages
(English product description provided by the creator.)